Liberal Studies
Liberal Arts – Pathway To Educational Occupations
If you want to work with children, you might consider a future in Elementary Teacher Education. This major introduces students to the theory and practice of education, incorporating subject matter such as science, mathematics, literature, history, geography and the arts.
Liberal Studies degree programs near you.
Your future in Liberal Studies could be right around the corner.
University Studies - Science Teacher - Earth
Shasta College
Liberal Studies: Teacher Preparation
Santa Rosa Junior College
General Studies: Liberal Studies (Patterns 2/3)
Ventura College
Elementary Teacher Education
Columbia College
Liberal Studies - Elementary Teacher Preparation
Allan Hancock College
Liberal Studies
Butte College
Liberal Studies: Bilingual Pattern
Butte College
Elementary Teacher Education
Citrus College
Education/Teaching-Liberal Studies For Elementary Education
Cosumnes River College
Liberal Studies - Teacher Preparation
Crafton Hills College