Allan Hancock College

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Allan Hancock College Campus

Primary Address

800 South College Dr.
Floor Test
Santa Maria, CA 93454

Allan Hancock College is located in northern Santa Barbara County. It ranks as one of the five best community colleges in California and one of the top 120 community colleges in the nation. Approximately 11,500 credit students enroll each semester at one of the college's four locations in Santa Maria, Lompoc, Santa Ynez Valley and Vandenberg Air Force Base.

Allan Hancock College A-Z Campus Directory

Allan Hancock College offers student support resources to benefit all student needs.

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Career education certificates and training courses

Career Education offers a pathway to success that allows you to learn by exploring, collaborating, and doing from expert instructors and industry professionals.

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Career Education

A2MEND Chapters


Black Student Union

Formerly incarcerated students, CalWORKs recipients, and former foster youth

Hire UP Pilot Program

Hire UP is designed to help meet the true cost of college attendance and gain clear access to credential programs and workforce support needed to enter, participate and succeed in California’s economy.

Siboney Guardado

Director, EOPS+


Umoja Affiliated Colleges
