Both students and staff enjoy a friendly atmosphere and the feeling that we are all here to help one another. Our diverse student body includes people from a variety of ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, and ages. By completing general education requirements at MiraCosta and transferring, students save money and time, all while sharpening their skills.

MiraCosta College Contacts Directory

MiraCosta College provides resources and programs to meet the diverse needs of its students.

Financial Aid

Grants, scholarships, loans and more

Find out how to save money with financial aid options, like grants, scholarships, and loans to help pay for your education.

Transfer Center

Counseling, resources, and support

Preparing students to transfer to participating four-year colleges and universities.

Dr. Lise Flocken

Transfer Center Director/Counseling Faculty

Career Education

Career education certificates and training courses

Offering a pathway to success that allows you to learn by exploring, collaborating, and doing from expert instructors and industry professionals.


African American Male Education Network & Development

A²MEND focuses on mentoring and initiatives that increase the success of African American male students.

Terrence Shaw, M.S.Ed.

Advisor & Director of Student Life & Leadership


Food, Housing, and Transportation

Get additional support to help remain focused on your education and your success. Find information on basic needs support services such as food pantries, housing, tutoring and transportation.

Campus Assessment, Resources and Education (CARE)

Devon Boone, LCSW

CARE Manager

Black Student Union (BSU)

On-campus Student Organization

BSU enlightens Black students with cultural ideologies, awareness and excellence while promoting practices that improve their educational experience and success.

Terrence Shaw, M.S.Ed.

Director of Student Life & Leadership

Foster Youth Services

NextUp - For Foster Youth Student Success

Offering services and support for eligible current and former foster youth.

Kyaw Htet

EOPS/NextUp and RAFFY Counselor


Community for African American students

Enhancing the cultural and educational experiences of African American and other students.

Don Love


Undocumented, AB 540 eligible student resources and services

Resources for Dreamer Students

Giving answers and support to undocumented students of all nationalities and backgrounds.

Undocumented People Rise in Solidarity and Empowerment (UPRISE)

Fredy Gomez Cruz

UPRISE Associate Counselor


Providing various types of aid, benefits and support for current servicemembers and veterans.

Donny Munshower

Veterans & Military-Connected Counselor