Ventura College, an accredited two-year institution of higher education, has been a part of this beautiful seaside community since 1925. The college is conveniently located approximately 60 miles north of Los Angeles and 30 miles south of Santa Barbara. The 112-acre campus, set in the rolling hills of Ventura, has an enrollment of 14,500 students.

Ventura College Contacts Directory

Ventura College provides resources and programs to meet the diverse needs of its students.

Financial Aid

Learn about financial aid options to help pay for your education.

Transfer Center

Counseling, resources, and support

Preparing students to transfer to participating four-year colleges and universities.

Career Education

Career education certificates and training courses

Offering a pathway to success that allows you to learn by exploring, collaborating, and doing from expert instructors and industry professionals.

Debbie Newcomb

Dean, Career Education


Food, Housing, and Transportation

Get additional support to help remain focused on your education and your success. Find information on basic needs support services such as food pantries, housing, tutoring and transportation.

Alma Rodriguez

Basic Needs Center Supervisor / Financial Aid Officer

Foster Youth Services

NextUp - For Foster Youth Student Success

Offering services and support for eligible current and former foster youth.

Wendy Lemus

Financial Aid Specialist/Foster Youth Liaison

Undocumented, AB 540 eligible student resources and services

Resources for Dreamer Students

Giving answers and support to undocumented students of all nationalities and backgrounds.

Vanessa Gonzalez

Dreamers Resource Center Services Assistant


For Military Connected Students

Providing various types of aid, benefits and support for current servicemembers and veterans.

Elizabeth Vasquez
