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Civil Engineering Instructor and Her Student Hold a Blueprint and Look Up at Buildings Under Construction

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Median annual salary based on certification and degree program completion.

Civil Engineering Student in White Hard Hat and Yellow Safety Vest Using Surveying Equipment at a Construction Site

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No matter what you want to do with your life, higher education can help make it happen. At California community colleges, we help you turn your vision into reality.

Career Education Certificate Programs

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Associate Degree

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Associate Degree For Transfer

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Find the career in Civil Engineering thats right for you

Plan, direct, or coordinate activities in such fields as architecture and engineering or research and development in these fields.
Aeronautics: Powerplant
Certificate of Achievement
Aeronautics: Powerplant
AS Degree
Agriculture - Horticulture And Landscaping
AS Degree
Agriculture - Landscape Practices
Certificate of Achievement
Agriculture Animal Science
AS-T Degree

Apply theory and principles of civil engineering in planning, designing, and overseeing construction and maintenance of structures and facilities under the direction of engineering staff or physical scientists.
Applied Apparel Studies Construction
Certificate of Achievement
Architectural Design Concentration
AS Degree
Architectural Technology Concentration
AS Degree
Architectural/Civil Engineering/Construction Draftinganddesign
AA Degree
Architectural/Civil Engineering/Construction Draftinganddesign
Certificate of Achievement

Perform engineering duties in planning, designing, and overseeing construction and maintenance of building structures, and facilities, such as roads, railroads, airports, bridges, harbors, channels, dams, irrigation projects, pipelines, power plants, and water and sewage systems.
AS Degree
AA Degree
Certificate of Achievement
Engineering (Non-Transfer)
AS Degree
Engineering (Required Calculus) (Transfer)
AS Degree

Calculate mapmaking information from field notes, and draw and verify accuracy of topographical maps.
Advanced GIS
Certificate of Achievement
Advanced Geographic Information Systems
Certificate of Achievement
Advanced Geographic Information Systems
AS Degree
Apprenticeship: Surveying, Chainman
Certificate of Achievement
Apprenticeship: Surveying, Chainman
AS Degree

Design, develop, and take responsibility for the installation of ship machinery and related equipment including propulsion machines and power supply systems.
AS Degree
AA Degree
Certificate of Achievement
Engineering (Non-Transfer)
AS Degree
Engineering (Required Calculus) (Transfer)
AS Degree

Adjust and operate surveying instruments, such as the theodolite and electronic distance-measuring equipment, and compile notes, make sketches and enter data into computers.
Apprenticeship: Surveying, Chainman
Certificate of Achievement
Apprenticeship: Surveying, Chainman
AS Degree
Apprenticeship: Surveying, Chief Of Party
Certificate of Achievement
Apprenticeship: Surveying, Chief Of Party
AS Degree
Civil Design And Drawing
Certificate of Achievement