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Median annual salary based on certification and degree program completion.
Why should you pursue a career in Agribusiness?
What kind of careers could you get in the field of Agribusiness?
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Find the career in Agribusiness thats right for you
Purchase farm products either for further processing or resale. Includes tree farm contractors, grain brokers and market operators, grain buyers, and tobacco buyers.
Agricultural And Industrial Technology: Industrial Technician
Certificate of Achievement
Recruit and hire seasonal or temporary agricultural laborers. May transport, house, and provide meals for workers.
Agricultural And Industrial Technology: Industrial Technician
Certificate of Achievement
Advise, instruct, and assist individuals and families engaged in agriculture, agricultural-related processes, or home economics activities. Demonstrate procedures and apply research findings to solve problems; and instruct and train in product development, sales, and the use of machinery and equipment to promote general welfare. Includes county agricultural agents, feed and farm management advisors, home economists, and extension service advisors.
Agricultural And Industrial Technology: Industrial Technician
Certificate of Achievement
Plan, direct, or coordinate the management or operation of farms, ranches, greenhouses, aquacultural operations, nurseries, timber tracts, or other agricultural establishments. May hire, train, or supervise farm workers or contract for services to carry out the day-to-day activities of the managed operation. May engage in or supervise planting, cultivating, harvesting, financial, or marketing activities.
Agricultural And Industrial Technology: Industrial Technician
Certificate of Achievement
Use chemistry, microbiology, engineering, and other sciences to study the principles underlying the processing and deterioration of foods; analyze food content to determine levels of vitamins, fat, sugar, and protein; discover new food sources; research ways to make processed foods safe, palatable, and healthful; and apply food science knowledge to determine best ways to process, package, preserve, store, and distribute food.
Agriculture And Industrial Technology: Production
Certificate of Achievement
Sell goods for wholesalers or manufacturers where technical or scientific knowledge is required in such areas as biology, engineering, chemistry, and electronics, normally obtained from at least 2 years of post-secondary education.
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