California community college student celebrating graduation.

Dual Enrollment

Get a jump start on your college education

Dual enrollment provides students the unique opportunity to get a head start on their higher education goals.

Dual enrollment enables high school students or students attending a noncredit or adult education high school diploma or equivalency program the opportunity to take college courses, taught by college professors, at their school campus. These courses can also count toward your high school diploma (or adult equivalency) allowing students to get a head start on their higher education goals.

California Community College student looking for a book in the school library.

Who Can Enroll

High school students and students attending a noncredit or adult education high school or equivalency program can enroll in classes at their local community college. This includes students attending community schools, continuation high schools, juvenile court schools, or adult education programs. All students follow the same process for enrolling in courses. Read more below to learn more and enroll today.

Why Enroll

A unique opportunity to get a head start on your higher education goals.


How to Enroll

Steps to Enroll as a Dual Enrollment student vary from college to college, but may include the following.

Specific steps and details differ from college to college. Students should check with their high school or adult education counselor or contact their local college campus for guidance on enrollment requirements

Complete an Online College Application
Complete Orientation
Submit Transcripts
Complete and submit a Dual Enrollment Form
Register for College Classes

Frequently Asked Questions

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Dual enrollment allows students to enroll in community college classes and may earn college credit toward their diploma, experience college-level coursework, and receive credit toward their college degree. 

Students can receive the following benefits from participating in dual enrollment:
•  Introduction to and preparation for college life
•  Ability to explore interests, careers, and majors
•  Opportunity to build skills that are needed in the workforce
•  Motivation to stick with it and pursue a college degree or certificate
•  Understanding the benefits of college education
•  Accelerated pathway through college that can save time and money

Private school or home-schooled students typically follow the same steps in applying to dual enrollment as a student from a public high school. Students should check with their high school or adult education counselor or contact their local college campus for guidance on enrollment requirements.

Students who are 18 years of age or older and still enrolled in high school may be admitted to community college under general admissions, dual enrollment, or special admit. Students should check with their local community college to see which provision is best for them.

Students enrolled in certain dual enrollment programs -- College and Career Access Pathways (AB 288 Programs) or Middle College High School – may be assigned priority registration under Enrollment Tier III and receive an earlier appointment to register for classes. 

Both international and undocumented students can enroll in dual enrollment courses, but they may be required to pay non-resident fees. College boards may be able to waive these fees for special admit part-time students who meet certain requirements. Contact your local college to discuss your status and to discuss a possible fee waiver.

In 2020, dual enrollment was expanded to students attending a noncredit or adult education high school diploma or equivalency program.

Simply put, it isn’t. In 2020, dual enrollment was expanded to include students attending a noncredit or adult education high school diploma or equivalency program. Adult Dual Enrollment Learners follow the same procedures/steps to enroll as high school dual enrollment learners.  

Dual enrollment offers many benefits, such as a chance to begin college early, master college-level coursework, and learn to navigate the college environment. However, students and parents should know the following:
·  The grades earned in dual enrollment courses will be part of the permanent student record and college transcript. Poor grades in dual enrollment courses can hurt students’ chances of receiving financial aid as well as their eligibility to enroll in a four-year college or university. 
·  Dual enrollment courses may count toward a total unit cap on financial aid or course enrollment limits.
·  Students might be responsible for expenses such as textbooks and supplies, transportation to and from campus, and meals while attending courses at the campus. Students interested in dual enrollment should speak with a counselor at the high school or adult education school they are currently attending prior to enrolling to determine if the program is right for them.

Student Stories

Scholar on way to Cambridge praises her South Bay community college. External page

Published Apr 19, 2024 by CBS San Francisco

A student bound for England’s prestigious Cambridge University hasn’t forgotten her first steps into higher education at a San Jose community college. Len Ramirez reports.