Cal Grant High School Entitlement Award
The Cal Grant High School Entitlement Award is for current high school seniors and recent high school graduates.
Once you submit your completed FAFSA or CADAA and high school GPA, you will be considered for the appropriate Cal Grant award based on GPA, financial need and college of attendance. Create an account at WebGrants 4 Students after submitting your FAFSA or CADAA to view your award status.
Award Amount
If awarded at a California community college, Cal Grant A funds will be held in reserve for up to two academic years until you transfer to a four-year tuition institution in California. At that point, the grant money will be used to cover tuition and fees. At a CSU (California State University) - $5,742. At a UC (University of California) -$12,570. At a Private Non-Profit School - $9,084. At a Private For-Profit School (WASC Accredited) - $8,056. At a Private For-Profit School (Non-WASC Accredited) - $4,000.
Cal Grant B offers $1,656 as a living allowance plus an additional amount of $5,742 (CSU); $12,570 (UC); $9,084 (Private Non-Profit); $8,056 (Private For-Profit School (WASC Accredited)); or $4,000 (Private For-Profit School (Non WASC Accredited)) may be available to cover the systemwide tuition and fees.